AI-Powered Insurance Claims Automation

Industry Customer Scenario

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About this Accelerator

Handling Claims processing through an intelligent agent with cognitive skills to handle image, ID, and documents with a goal to reduce claims processing time and manual effort in end-to-end claims processing for better customer experience.

The accelerator will showcase Azure platform’s machine learning capability to recognize document type, extract required fields and push data to downstream applications, significantly reducing manual efforts and creating smoother customer experience.


  • Organization handles large volumes of documents (claims, applications, contracts, invoices, etc.) and not able to efficiently capture any rich insights.
  • Organization is investing in expensive manual labor to extract data
  • Manual data extraction is inefficient and/or error-prone
  • More time is spent on extracting data than on analysis and insights


  • Increase time to value/time to insight by reducing document processing times
  • Reduce operating expenses by automation of manual processes
  • Improve confidence and accuracy in extracted data

Relevant Personas

Process Automation

Primary Industry

Financial Services


Azure Storage

Bot Framework

Cognitive Services

Cosmos DB

Form Recognizer


Technical Value Assets

Business Value Assets
