Automated Quality Inspection

Industry Customer Scenario

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About this Accelerator

The Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is the combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies with the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure to achieve more efficient IoT operations, improve human-machine interactions and enhance data management and analytics. AI can be used to transform IoT data into useful information for improved decision-making processes, thus creating a foundation for newer technology such as IoT Data as a Service (IoTDaaS).

A growing industry trend is the use of AI and ML in Azure and at the edge to automate quality inspection. At a high level, the solutions typically leverage AI image analysis and data from IoT sensors to detect product quality issues in real-time on the production line. By implementing AI-based product quality inspection through AI image analysis, manufacturers not only reduce defects and increase factory yield but also have a direct positive impact on customer satisfaction.

Customer Challenges

  • Defective products increase costs in the form of returns and extended customer support
  • Late detection of faulty products raise costs
  • Customer satisfaction and retention decreases when receiving a faulty product

Machine Learning will improve product quality in discrete manufacturing industries by 35%


  • Improve customer satisfaction and customer retention by preventing faulty parts from leaving factory
  • Consistent brand quality by actively monitoring end-to-end on the assembly line
  • Reduce costs associated with faulty products
  • Improve yield of your factory line

Relevant Personas

Process Automation

Primary Industry


Other Relevant Industries


Mobility & Transport


Azure Container Registry

Azure DevOps

Azure IoT Hub

Azure KeyVault

Azure Machine Learning

Azure SQL

Azure Storage

Cognitive Services: Vision


Power BI

Technical Value Assets

Business Value Assets
