Document Process Automation

Industry Customer Scenario

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About this Accelerator

Many organizations process huge volumnes of diverse documents in various formats. These forms go through a manual data entry process to extract all the relevant information before the data can be used by software applications. The manual processing is costly adds time and is often an error-prone practice. The accelerator demonstrates how organizations can use Azure cognitive services to completely automate the data extraction and entry from pdf forms by highlighting the usage of Form Recognizer and Azure Cognitive Search. The pattern and template is data agnostic - it can be easily adapted to work on a custom set of forms as required by a POC, MVP or a demo. The demo also scales well through different kinds of forms and supports multiple page forms.


  • Handle large volumnes of documents and not able to efficiently capture any rich insights from them
  • Invest in expensive manual labor to extract data
  • Manual data extraction can be labor intensive and/or error-prone, resulting in low confidence in data accuracy
  • More time is spent on extracting data than on analysis, insights and action


  • Increase speed to value/insight by reducing document processing time
  • Reduce operating expenses through automation of manual processes
  • Improve data confidence and accuracy in extracted data by relying less on error-prone manual processes

Relevant Personas

Process Automation

Primary Industry

Financial Services

Other Relevant Industries



Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Data Explorer

Azure Logic Apps

Bot Framework

Form Recognizer


Power BI

Technical Value Assets

Business Value Assets
