Factory & Worker Safety

Industry Customer Scenario

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About this Accelerator

The Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is the combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies with the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure to achieve more efficient IoT operations, improve human-machine interactions and enhance data management and analytics. AI can be used to transform IoT data into useful information for improved decision-making processes, thus creating a foundation for newer technology such as IoT Data as a Service (IoTDaaS).


  • Lower worker utility and greater errors in human visual monitoring leads to more accidents and declining worker satisfaction.
  • Growing complexity of compliance requirements, especially PPE.
  • Siloed data and imcomplete incident documentation make insurance claims difficult to process and prevent insights from being uncovered.
  • Latent visual image analysis delays responses to safety risks and incidents and every second matters for triggering alerts.

Workplace injuries cost U.S. companies $60B per year


  • Fewer workplace incidents: Protecting the safety of your workers.
  • Greater employee satisfaction: Diverting lower-skilled tasks to automated processes and focusing worker time on higher-value activities.
  • Increased productivity and bottom line savings: Ensuring your workforce is healthy and safe while minimizing downtime due to disruptions.
  • Meet compliance standards and gain brand credibility: Prioritizing and achieving high safety standards.

Relevant Personas

Process Automation

Primary Industry


Other Relevant Industries


Mobility & Transport


Azure Container Registry

Azure DevOps

Azure IoT Hub

Azure KeyVault

Azure Machine Learning

Azure SQL

Azure Storage

Cognitive Services


Power BI


Technical Value Assets

Business Value Assets
